Sunday, November 16, 2008

Allah saved me

On last saturday, I met 2 patients in Poliklinik Kumpulan City in Bandar Baru Selayang. On my way to go there, 'hampir' accident with a very long lorry. I don't know how to say. On that time, I was stay in my line but the lorry, suddenly got out from left line with a very fast speed and direct came to my line. I was just tawakal that time and i was ready to be caught an accident. huhuhu...because the lorry very close with me and i also have to be careful with my right line. So many cars on the road especially on weekend. During that time, i'm in a middle line because watch out for both lines. I was very100x angry with the driver and feel to cry..but alhamdulillah, i was saved by "Allah". Pray before drive your car, Insyallah, 'Allah' always with us.

P/S: Sorry for the English language..I'm still learning.. When i read, i feel like reading 'year one's' paragraph ..i'm so sorry..